Protect Your Workers with Reliable Trench Boxes

Allen Trench Safety has more than twenty years of experience providing clients throughout the country with the strongest, most dependable trench safety equipment on the market. Whether your company does residential jobs or larger industrial and municipal projects, we can provide you with the protection your workers need to complete their trench work without the threat of dangerous and time-consuming soil collapses. In today’s post, we will discuss how trench safety equipment from Allen Trench Safety can protect your workers while also increasing productivity and efficiency on the jobsite.
Easy to Set-Up, Use, and Transport
Trench boxes from Allen Trench Safety can help protect your workers no matter what sort of trench work they are doing, but one of the best reasons to buy these products is the amount of time you will save before and after the work is done. Made of a strong but lightweight aluminum, these trench boxes can be easily set in place by only one or two people, helping them get ready to work in far less time than it takes to set up heavier options. After the job is complete, these trench boxes can be lifted without hassle and transported in the back of a normal-sized pickup truck or a small trailer. Your workers will appreciate the level of protection, and you will benefit from the time saved. It’s a win-win-win situation for you, your workers, and your client.
Dependable Protection Against Trench Collapses
Soil collapses during trench work cause a variety of problems. First of all, you run the risk of having tools buried and getting dirt and debris inside the pipes or tubing you are trying to install. While problems like this may cost you time and money, they are insignificant compared to what could happen if you or one of your workers gets buried by dirt and debris. We offer a variety of trench safety solutions, including our Badger Boxes, which are graded for numerous bury depths. We also offer different accessories for easier lifting, increased stability in softer soils, stable stacking, and more. No matter what sort of trench work your company does, you can count on Allen Trench Safety to have the solutions you need to get the job done safely.
Customers from all across the country have come to rely on Allen Trench Safety to protect their workers in all sorts of different trench work environments. For more information about how we can protect your trench workers, contact Allen Trench Safety today!