Learn Your Soils for Using an UltraShore Trench Box
When you are digging in the ground, you may be wondering at what point it is necessary to use our UltraShore trench box, and Allen Trench has the knowledge to help. If it’s your first time digging in the ground, you need to stay aware of the type of soil you’re digging into, and the implications with each. With safety standards and requirements, you can keep workers safe in the right conditions, all with a proper trench box.
Soil classification
If you are working in the ground, soil classification is a big factor in how deep you can dig safely and what equipment can keep workers safe. Stable rock can be excavated with vertical sides and remain intact while exposed. Soil types A though C get progressively more and more loose, making them more dangerous to dig into without proper trenching equipment. Type C soil, primarily made of granular soils like gravel and sand, is the riskiest to dig into, but UltraShore trench boxes help to ensure a safe digging experience. Capable of being used to a depth of up to 12 feet even in class C soils, there’s no better in the business than UltraShore from Allen Trench Safety.
Safety standards
As you probably know, going into the ground has safety standards set by OSHA that must be followed, and the trench boxes from Allen Trench Safety Co. can give you the security you need to be in compliance. Any trench 5 feet deep or greater needs a protective trench system, and the UltraShore trench box is the versatile, lightweight trench box that your business can depend on.
When you invest in trench boxes with Allen Trench Safety, you get the safety your workers deserve. Our products are made to make sure your workers are as safe as possible every time they go in the ground. With 18 years in the shoring industry, you know you can count on us.